Nothing is more powerful in this world than an idea whose
time has come.

Victor Hugo

Ništa na ovom svijetu nije moćnije od ideje čije je vrijeme došlo.

Viktor Igo

TWBM is born

The project idea has been simmering for quite some time, and waiting for the moment to shine in its full glory! Although the Montenegrin business women’s community has been pretty active, we believe that we have come out with a unique value that will complement the efforts to strengthen the women’s economic scene.

Sharing (is) the future.

Our uniqueness is reflected in the implementation of categorization, evaluation, analysis, and publication of results obtained by comparing pre-defined and publicly available performance indicators of business entities taken from official financial statements, which previously met the General and Special terms. The more we know, the better we can do. The better we do, the more meaningfully we support the community.

TWBM Business Magazine

All significant business women’s stories will be published in a unique business magazine we are launching along with this project – Top Women Business Montenegro. This yearbook, which will be published every year in November, will summarize significant novelties that will encourage and strengthen the female business community, present businesswomen who left their mark in that year, and also give space to Montenegrin women’s business associations and their results.

TWBM Awards

After the analysis, categorization, and evaluation of the results, we will award the best seven companies in each category, namely: companies owned by women in the categories of micro, small and medium enterprises and companies managed by women in the categories of micro, small, medium and large enterprises. More details about awards.
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