TWBM 22 Awards

Top Women Business Montenegro 2022 Awards Presented

The best Montenegrin companies managed or owned by women have received the Top Women Business Montenegro 2022 awards at a ceremony held in Podgorica. The awards for achieved business results are given by BI Communication based on the ranking produced for this project by the business information provider BI Consulting. . By applying the international definitions of women’s businesses MEST IWA 34, and based on their 2021 financial statements, seven women’s businesses have received the award.


Mrs Ljiljana Burzan-Nikolić, BI Communication executive manager and initiator of the Top Women Businesses Montenegro (TWBM) project, has said that the results of women’s businesses from the previous period were carefully analysed and collected, and that the ceremony is the opportunity to acknowledge the best Montenegrin women’s businesses and their leaders.

“I believe this is also an opportunity to point out to the presence of a considerable amount of insufficiently developed awareness of the importance of acknowledging the importance of mutual support, the awareness that with our open attitude we can do much more not only for ourselves but also for others to whom we can serve as a role model, provide valuable advice and help them make some important business steps. We can only do the right thing and show by our example what solidarity, support and not giving up on your good thoughts, words and deeds mean, as I’m quite sure all of you present here tonight have done so many times! This has brought us together and obliges us to guide our women’s business community towards mutual support,” Mrs Nikolić has said.

She has added that now is the right time for the power of women’s business to shine in its full glory. “It is the right time to break the shackles of the retrograde view of the role of women in business and allow the newly discovered reality to be louder, more visible and stronger. It is the right time to recognize and accept the values, knowledge and results we achieve and to strive for positions we have earned with our successes. Right now!” she has said.

Mrs Burzan-Nikolić has also added that the ceremony is the best moment to present the “child of the Top Women Business Montenegro initiative” to the public, i.e. the business magazine with the same title. “You will have the opportunity to read about some great examples of successful business women, from Crmnica to Washington”.

Ms Ivana Bošković, NLB Bank retail director, has said that women with vision, courage and faith in their own potential can really create or manage serious businesses. The TWBM award, she has added, is a proof that Montenegrin female entrepreneurship is taking big steps forward.

“The need to acknowledge the work of women and their vision, and above all to give them the opportunity to demonstrate their abilities and knowledge, is one of the key preconditions for our economy to develop,” Ms Bošković has said.

Osmi red company from Podgorica has won the top place for business income in the category of medium-sized enterprises owned by women. The award has been presented to Ms Angelina Vuković, the owner, by Ms Daniela Gašparikova, UNDP resident representative in Montenegro.

“After 28 years, which is a jubilee for us, we have received this wonderful prize. I hope we have all earned it together,” Ms Vuković has said during the award ceremony.

I hope we have all earned it together,” Ms Vuković has said during the award ceremony. Bella Dona pharmacy from Bar, owned by Ms Belisa Harbić, has won top place for total income in the category of micro-enterprises owned by women. During the awards ceremony, organizers have explained that there is not a single large company owned by women in Montenegro.

Glosarij from Podgorica has won the top place in the category of large companies managed by women, based on its 2021 business income. . The award was presented to the executive director of that company, Ms Mirjana Mijušković, by the executive director of the Investment and Development Fund, Ms Irena Radović.

Beer company Trebjesa from Nikšić has won the award for the best medium-sized enterprise managed by women. Ms Sanja Ćalasan, executive director, has received the award from Mr Dragan Kujović, vice president of the Chamber of Economy of Montenegro.

Menzies aviation has won the title of the most successful small business managed by women. Ms Andrijana Bulatović has received the award on behalf of Ms Ana Marojević, executive director.The award has been presented by Ms Marija Šuković, head of the Secretariat of the Competitiveness Council.

Company Bosiljak from Tivat, managed by Ms Rajka Jauković, has won the top place in the category of micro enterprises.

The Top Women Business Montenegro project has been initiated by BI Communication, while BI Consulting operates as an analytical partner. The relevance of the project has been recognized by the United Nations Development Program, the Investment and Development Fund, the Chamber of Economy of Montenegro and the Secretariat of the Competitiveness Council – as institutional partners, as well as by NLB Banka A. D. Podgorica – as the general sponsor, and by Alter Modus, a microfinance institution.

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